Monday, 4 February 2008

BURSARY for BIALL Conference

Following a vote at an ALLICE meeting in 2007 it was agreed that ALLICE would offer a bursary to facilitate attendance at the BIALL Conference in 2008. (To be reviewed in future years according to the level of available funds).

Eligibility criteria will be similar to those applicable to BIALL bursaries:
1) Applicants must be current members of ALLICE
2) Preference will be given to applicants who have worked in law libraries for less than 5 years, who have not attended a BIALL Conference before and who would not otherwise be able to attend due to lack of funding from their employers.
3) The bursary will cover the cost of the Conference Package - it does NOT include travel or accommodation costs, except in exceptional circumstances.

Applications should be made by letter to Sue Kendall, LIS Manager, Mills & Reeve, 78-84 Colmore Row, Birmingham B3 2AB DX 707290 Birmingham 65 and include the following information:
name and qualifications
full contact details including e-mail
details of current job
reasons for wanting to attend this conference.

Final date for applications: 28 April 2008

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