Friday, 30 January 2009

March meeting


Here is advance notice of our next meeting for your diaries

The meeting will be held on Wednesday 11th March at 12.30 at the offices of Martineau in One Colmore Square

The visiting speakers will be Lucy Cudd and, hopefully, Gavin Cummy from LexisNexis. They will be updating us on their new products and services and taking any questions we might have afterwards

Trust that's whetted your appetite - more details, with the agenda, will follow nearer the day



Friday, 16 January 2009

Job vacancy at Anthony Collins

This vacancy notice has been received from Anthony Collins

Law Librarian

We are seeking to appoint an experienced law librarian to manage and develop library services within the firm.

This vacancy notice has been received from Anthony Collins

We require someone with experience of library procurement, managing budgets and a good knowledge of legal research sources. Formal qualifications, whilst desirable, are not a requirement.

A team player with excellent communication skills is essential.

The role is part time (approx 16 hrs per week), with the opportunity for flexible hours. Salary dependant upon experience with excellent benefits package.

For more information on this role, or to apply, please contact Deborah Taylor either by email on or by post to 134 Edmund Street, Birmingham, B3 2ES.

Closing date: Thursday 12 February 2009

Friday, 9 January 2009

Annual Charity Donation

Happy New Year

The voting for our annual charity donation went in favour of Linda Kalinda's Zambian Law Centre.

Unfortunately, I have yet been unable to contact Linda to tell her the good news but I am informed that, while she is away in Zambia, she is virtually incommunicado so I guess that is where she must be at present.

I will wait for her to respond to the various messages I have left by email and telephone.