Tuesday, 15 December 2009

Minutes of December meeting

Wednesday 9th December 2009


Caroline Mosley, Caroline Covington, Caroline Janukowicz, Diane Harris, Hilary Boucher, Keri Husband, Pat Pritchard, Jasmin Hollingum, Jon Beaumont, Matthew Cadden, Sally Hassall, Stephen Wheeler, Mandy Hulme, Sue Kendall, Helen Dunn, Adele Champken, Natasha Skeen, Paula Biddlestone and Tricia Wyspianska

Steve Wood, Head of Service – Information Services, Central Library


Jackie Sellars, Phil Uttley, Christine Newlove, Erica Foster, Hazel Hewison, Alison Parker, Bev Preece, Denise Watkins, Carol Wilson, Rachel Relves and Susanne Homer.

Please note that Phil Uttley is off work following surgery on his knee. If you have any matters to raise from these minutes please contact the remaining committee members, Caroline Mosley, Diane Harris or Caroline Covington.

New Members

Caroline Mosley welcomed Paula Biddlestone who is working at Citadel Chambers and Adele Champken who is now working at Aston University after a 6 month career break.


The Company Information seminar on 4th November was fully subscribed and was very successful with all the delegates finding it useful.

7side in Cardiff have held some one hour seminars for various groups on the effect of the Companies Act 2006 on Companies House and are willing to present it to ALLICE members. Those members present agreed that this would be useful to them so the ALLICE Committee will try to arrange for this to take place in January/February 2010.

Is there any interest in ALLICE trying to arrange the next training session on the topic of Web 2.0? If this is something of interest to you, please email Caroline Covington on ccovington@st-philips.com before Christmas.

Subscriptions and Members List

Caroline Covington as Treasurer thanked everyone for their prompt payment of their ALLICE subscriptions. A new members list accompanies these minutes. Please make sure you amend any saved contacts as there have been several changes to the list.

LIM Book Reviews

Caroline Mosley has been approached by the Editorial Board of Legal Information Management as they are looking for book reviewers. In particular, they are looking for someone to review Legal Skills 2nd edition by Finch and Fafinski for the March issue of LIM. Please contact Caroline on caroline.mosley@cobbetts.com by Wednesday 16th December if this interests you.


The committee are planning to organise a social event for late January/February. If you are interested in attending or have a suggestion for a venue, please let one of the committee know. Further details will be sent out in the new year.

Next meeting

The next meeting will be held at No5 Chambers in March (date to be confirmed). Justis will be in attendance to demonstrate their online services, in particular recent developments to JustCite.


Natasha Skeen is due to finish her maternity cover at the College of Law at the end of January 2010 when Jackie Hanes returns. She is looking for a few months work after her contract ends. If anyone knows of any vacancies or needs a temporary librarian please contact Natasha on natasha.skeen@lawcol.co.uk and she will be happy to provide you with her CV or discuss this further.

Steve Wood, Service Manager, Information Services at Birmingham Central Library gave a very interesting talk about the range of legal and official publications that are available to the general public and businesses. He also gave a progress report on the plans for the new Library of Birmingham which is due to open in June 2013.

Steve has offered to give ALLICE members a tour of the legal and official materials collections at the Central Library. If you would be interested, please contact one of the committee.

Steve also provided the following contact details:
General email: information.services@birmingham.gov.uk
Tel: 0121 303 4545

The committee would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Web 2.0 event in Birmingham

Back by popular demand, new location, the Commercial, Legal and Scientific Information Group invites you to:

Web 2.0 - the truth behind the hype
Monday 18 January 2010, Hammonds, Rutland House, 148 Edmund Street, Birmingham B3 2JR.
Doors open 6pm, 6.30-8pm

What is web 2.0 and what isn't it?

[Web 2.0] is an "architecture of participation" -- a constellation made up of links between web applications that rival desktop applications, the blog publishing revolution and self-service advertising. This architecture is based on social software where users generate content, rather than simply consume it, and on open programming interfaces that let developers add to a web service or get at data. It is an arena where the web rather than the desktop is the dominant platform, and organization appears spontaneously through the actions of the group, for example, in the creation of folksonomies created through tagging." Wired magazine, 2005

"The promoters of Web 2.0 venerate the amateur and distrust the professional. We see it in their unalloyed praise of Wikipedia, and we see it in their worship of open-source software and myriad other examples of democratic creativity. Perhaps nowhere, though, is their love of amateurism so apparent as in their promotion of blogging as an alternative to what they call 'the mainstream media.'" Nicholas Carr on his blog Rough Type 2005

So who is right? In this seminar Karen Blakeman, Independent Information Trainer and Consultant at RBA Information Services, and Phil Duffy, Information Services Manager at Hammonds LLP will debate the pros and cons of using web 2.0 tools and technologies. This event was sold out and highly rated by attendees in London earlier this year.

There will be a networking reception after the event.

All seminars are £10 for CLSIG (and ALLICE) members, £15 for non-members and half-price for the unemployed. To book or for more information please email events@clsig.org.uk.

Cheques should be made payable to CLSIG and sent to Irena Valouchova, Denton Wilde Sapte LLP, One Fleet Place, London, EC4M 7WS or DX242 City. Please note that refunds are only available up to a week before the event.

Travelling details:http://www.hammonds.com/Default.aspx?sID=259&cID=952&ctID=11

CLSIG website: www.clsig.org.uk