Thursday, 18 August 2011

Next meeting - September 22nd


Our next meeting takes place on Thursday 22nd September at

Squire Sanders Hammonds, Rutland House, 148 Edmund Street, BIRMINGHAM, B3 1BA

Usual time - 1200 for a 1230 start, finishing around 1400

Our guests will be Justis who will be telling us about their latest developments including the new JustCite package

Full agenda to follow nearer the time

Can you let me know if you intend to be there (for catering purposes), please?

We also need a host for our January meeting which will be a 'networking' session. Choice of dates are 11th, 18th or 25th. Please let me know if you are able to help.



ALLICE Training Event


We are running a half-day event on Tuesday 29th November 2011. Full details are provided below

The event will run from 1.00 pm to 5.00 pm at Cobbetts' offices in Birmingham

Applications to attend the event are now invited from ALLICE members and their colleagues. Costs are £5 and £25 for non-members

Please send your application to attend with a cheque, made payable to ALLICE, to me at the address shown below

Squire, Sanders & Dempsey (UK) LLP
Rutland House
148 Edmund Street
B3 2JR

Invitations will be extended to other groups after 1st October so please apply as quickly as you can.



Gaining respect for your service: using marketing ideas to demonstrate and communicate value

Library and information services are currently under great pressure as organisations look to trim costs in difficult economic times. To survive and thrive it is important to have a clear understanding, shared with your funders, of the value your services provides to the organisation. In addition, library and information professionals need to market and communicate that value in a clear, consistent and sustained way. This need not require a large marketing budget to be successful. This course will give you immediate tools and techniques to identify and communicate value which will be influential within your organisation. The emphasis will be on the inexpensive and the effective.

By the end of the course you will have:

* simple tools and techniques to help you identify the value you create
* considered how to promote this value through a series of marketing messages
* a way to gain the attention of those you need to influence or attract as users
* practiced a few key tools and techniques

The course will be highly practical based around tried and trusted activities which can be undertaken immediately on returning to your workplace. A library and information professional is not selling cans of beans which are easy to describe and market. Services are significantly different in the way they need to be marketed and this course will show you how to subtly inspire respect and use by partners and other members within your practice. Great marketing is not just about sending a message - it's also about making sure they are likely to be listening when they receive it.


* Just what have I really got which is worth marketing?
* How can I turn this value into a powerful marketing message?
* How do I align those messages with my users' and other stakeholders' "journeys"
* So how do I now mix my marketing communication channels - traditional and non-traditional?
* What role does social media have in marketing a service within a professional practice?

This will be a fast paced, practical rather than theoretical, afternoon session led by Terry Kendrick ( who has over twenty years training and marketing experience with libraries of all types. In addition he has worked on marketing planning assignments for over fifty organisations (including organisations in the legal profession) in nineteen countries.